
The functions available in ezFMD depend on the user’s business type.

Pharmacies (including hospital pharmacies) can perform the following functions with a serialised pack:

  1. Verify the status of a pack (without changing the status of the pack)
  2. Mark a pack as Dispensed (Supplied, aka de-activate a pack)
  3. Re-activate a pack (mark it as active again. Must be done at the same location with 240 hours.)
  4. Mark a pack as Sample for NCA (e.g. provided to the HPRA)
  5. Mark a pack as Destroyed (As this step CANNOT be reversed, this is often reserved for the Administrator user.)

Wholesalers can perform the following functions with a serialised pack:

  1. Verify the status of a pack (without changing the status of the pack)
  2. Mark a pack as Supplied (de-activate a pack)
  3. Re-activate a pack (mark it as active again. Must be done at the same location with 240 hours.)
  4. Mark a pack as Sample for NCA (e.g. provided to the HPRA)
  5. Mark the pack as a Free Sample (e.g. provided to a doctor)
  6. Mark a pack as Destroyed (This step CANNOT be reversed.)
  7. Mark a pack as Stolen (hard to imagine how this might be used.)
  8. Mark a pack as Locked (like a quarantine status)
  9. Mark a pack as Exported (to a country outside the EU – cannot be reversed).
  10. Mark a pack as Checked Out (re-packaged by a parallel distributor)

The wholesaler drop-down menu looks like this:

See also: Pack Status