
The scanner most widely used in pharmacies and hospitals is made by Datalogic. It is a most capable scanner. Should the scanner lose its pre-configured setup, it needs to be set up again. This is done by scanning the codes shown below. If in doubt, contact your local ICT who will be in a position to help you with this. Do not perform these steps unless there is a problem with the setup of your scanner.

You can download a PDF from the Downloads page or scroll down to scan the codes from your screen.

For some users, it is annoying when the scanner responds to any movement while the scanner is in its cradle. This can be changed in accordance with the guide available as a PDF from the Downloads page.

Certain packs of medicines carry both a 1D EAN barcode as well as an FMD 2D Data matrix barcode . It can become frustrating when the scanner accidentally picks up the 1D EAN barcode, even though ezFMD. To address this, follow the instructions on the guide available as a PDF from the Downloads page (DataLogicScannerDisable1d.pdf)

Datalogic Barcode Scanner Configuration

In order to prepare your scanner for use with ezFMD, please scan each of the codes in turn, when asked to do so by a technical support person.

Wait at least 3 seconds between each scan. The scanner should stop emitting beeps before proceeding to the next step.

TIP: As you scan each code, cover the others so that the scanner picks up only the one you wanted to scan. If you are having a problem scanning from the screen, try printing the page and scanning then – this can eliminate glare.

Scanner models in wide use in Irish pharmacies and hospitals are:
Wired: Datalogic QD2430 or Wireless: Datalogic QM2430


The following is the relevant page from the Datalogic handbook:

Datalogic reset via removal / reinsertion of battery


The intention of this procedure is to stop the scanner from any actions or state in which it may be stuck, by depriving the scanner of power for at least 30 seconds. The scanner may later need to be re-configured for ezFMD as per the Guide above.

Using an appropriate screwdriver, unscrew the bottom of the battery pack until it is disengaged. The battery pack will rise slightly in the rear, pushed by the contact springs.

Extract the battery pack by slightly rotating the pack and pulling away from the reader.

Disconnect the battery pack from the gun and wait for at least 30 seconds. Once the battery has been removed and you have waited for 30 seconds, you can pop it back in by reversing the process above and then tightening the screw.

The scanner may now need to be re-configured for ezFMD as per the Guide above.